Our Services
In an increasingly globalised world, languages take centre stage, especially in schools. Numbers of bilingual/multilingual learners in national schools are on the rise, and numbers in international schools are at an all-time high.
Schools have increasing complex language requirements that are crucial to meeting the needs of all their learners. The range of language-related programming and training that schools currently need spans the entire spectrum: from language learners (EAL/ELL or other), home languages to host country/foreign language teaching and immersion/bilingual programming. These needs must be addressed across the curriculum, and across the whole school, from reception to secondary school.

CEC offers the following services designed to improve language provisions across the curriculum:
School Audits and Advising
A school audit will provide a critical look at all the language provisions in your school, on three levels: organisation, curriculum and pedagogy.
Creating a Whole-School Languages Department
Bringing all the languages into one department allows for cross-language cooperation, sharing of ideas, co-planning, and cross-disciplinary teaching and learning.
CEC provides support for programme evaluation and development, as well as support for classroom teachers in delivering enhanced pedagogy for language learners.
Bilingual and international schools
Immersion/bilingual schools
CEC has extensive experience in the field of immersion/bilingual education, and can help your school design, evaluate, or redesign a bilingual programme.
Home languages
Home Language tuition is one pathway to this goal, but there are many ways in which schools can promote positive models of bilingualism and encourage all pupils to thrive because of their languages rather than in spite of their languages.
CEC has been at the forefront in the field of translanguaging, developing bespoke training on translanguaging since 2012, and has developed models to allow for ease of introduction in international schools.
Teachers and staff
"Every teacher is a language teacher"
CEC has developed a unique professional development programme designed to help teachers acquire the knowledge and skills that are implied when we expect them to be language teachers.
Host country/foreign languages
CEC has targeted professional development for both host country and foreign language teachers in international schools.